Luca Sára Rózsa

Luca Sára Rózsa

Extra Information

Luca Sára Rózsa
53 7/8 x 53 1/8 inches (137 x 135 cm)
Oil on canvas
Resting (The Voyeur)
Price available upon request

Luca Sara Rozsa (Budapest) creates lustrous and expressive paintings that depict unclothed humans within nature. As the artist describes it, “nature plays a different role within the philosophical approaches developed in the East and the West. Eastern philosophies attest to a balanced juxtaposition, the yin and yang of nature, whereas the Western approach is organized upon a hierarchy, with man on the top and everything else lined up below in order to serve him. The figures in my paintings are mammals who have eaten from the Tree of Knowledge and have been expelled from Paradise. They are fully exposed to their fate, facing it either with resignation or hope.
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